February 2009

Network Upgrade Complete

Posted by WSSSupport on February 26, 2009 :: 11:59 pm in Uncategorized

The new switch has been installed and is running great.  This concludes the network outage.
Thank you,
Brandon Brown
Systems Administrator

Network Outage Begining Now

Posted by WSSSupport on February 26, 2009 :: 11:00 pm in Network Status, Scheduled Maintenance

We are currently upgrading the switch.  We will post again shortly when the upgrade is complete.
Thank You!

DoS attack

Posted by WSSSupport on February 26, 2009 :: 9:39 pm in Uncategorized

The DOS attack is now under control and all services have been restored.

Making the Switch

Posted by WSSSupport on February 26, 2009 :: 9:21 am in Uncategorized

We have discovered a faulty switch in our Ohio data center, which has been causing intermittant slowdown issues across our service.  The current plan is to replace it at midnight EST tonight (Feb. 26th).  Downtime may be as long as two hours, and will effect all Ohio-based services.  We apologize in advance for the downtime, [...]

Web hosts stable

Posted by WSSSupport on February 25, 2009 :: 5:54 pm in Uncategorized

Service to sites should be restored at this time, but several servers did require a re-boot.  System administrator will be contacted if any further action is necessary.