February 2009

Limited or no connectivity

Posted by WSSSupport on February 25, 2009 :: 1:47 pm in Uncategorized

We are currently fighting off an attack across the majority of our web servers.  No actual damage has been reported, but the servers may be slow or unavailable until we sort everything out.  No firm ETA, but service should be restored soon.
UPDATE: Service to sites should be restored at this time, and perl has been [...]

Network Issue Update

Posted by WSSSupport on February 21, 2009 :: 6:16 am in Uncategorized

All serverices been restored.

Network Issue

Posted by WSSSupport on February 21, 2009 :: 5:39 am in Uncategorized

All Web Site Source servers are currently experiencing a network issue and are unreachable. We are looking into the problem and will update soon.

Control Panel is running

Posted by WSSSupport on February 17, 2009 :: 1:45 pm in Uncategorized

The maintenance was successful.  The Control Panel is now available.
Thank you,
Websitesource Technical Support Team

Control Panel Scheduled Maintenance on Monday February 17, 2009

Posted by WSSSupport on February 17, 2009 :: 12:07 am in Uncategorized

On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 12:00am CST the control panel on Shared Hosting accounts will be down for maintenance.
The Control Panel and Site Studio will be inaccessible for an estimated time period of 12 hour.
This will not affect website service.
For updates on the maintenance, please visit our Service Alert & Information Feed site at: